Interdisciplinarity between people, between species, between animate and inanimate, between built and nature, between internal and external, between visible and invisible. The starting point of the exhibition is to explore these intermediate causes, interaction, and inspiration. There is a multifaceted communication between arts and artists that...

Sound-Space Installation "Hirvitalo Ambiences" is a co-creation project with Jussi Suonikko. It was a part of the "Välisyyksiä" exhibition at the Tampering Festival 2023.

Cups and Seeds is a piece for 4 players, cups, and different seeds or grains from the kitchen. The players should locate around the audience, not in front of them. The ideal situation is if everyone can move freely and choose what to listen to more closely. Many of the sounds seeds produce are so tender, that only the player...



At the beginning of my composing process, I got in my mind a picture of a misty landscape. The atmosphere of the landscape was like a dream, somewhere between the conscious and the subconscious. In the piece, three different instruments are playing in the border of a noisy rustle and a chanting sound. There are glimpses of something unrecognizable...

Olet tässä (You Are Here) is an installation built in the exhibition "Kuluma". Kuluma took place in Hirvitalo Gallery, Tampere from 25th September to 16th October 2022. The exhibition was a collaboration with four artists (Anna Hakula, Venla Huhtinen, Ella Salminen, and Joel Verner). The plants react to touch with sound. The installation can be...

Soiva tila | Resonating Space was an exploration of sound and material. I composed the piece for a clarinetist, a recorder player, a cellist-singer, a percussionist, a dancer, and a ceramic installation. The installation and three concerts were part of Tampere Biennale 2022. The installation was made by sculpturer Mari Paikkari and it was played...

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